Welcome to my Blog

Hello! Thank you for stopping by my website. For the longest time, I have wanted to have my own website. I just never found the time and it is quite expensive to host a website domain. I will try to be consistent, but things may happen during the year that hinder my blog writing progress. Here are the reasons I started a blog and why you might start a blog.

Reasons Why I am Starting a Blog

  1. Work on My Writing Skills

    All throughout grade school, English was my worst subject. I always had a certain distate for writing, and mainly that was because my grades were not that good. However, after highschool, I definitely realized that just because you’re bad at something doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. My hatred for writing was always rooted in what my teachers thought of my writing, and the fact that we were forced to write essays about symbolism and themes (nothing wrong with liking essays about this, I personally just hated it).

    Some goals I am working on with my writing skills

    • Becoming more concise with my sentences and describing ideas coherently

    • Not being afraid of other people reading my writing. I don’t really care how many website visitors I get, it’s more about just putting my ideas out there

  2. Share my opinions and thoughts — another creative outlet medium

    In my blog, I want to post more opinion pieces that don’t necessarily align with my YouTube/Instagram content.

  3. I have always liked the idea of website hosting

    Ever since I was 10, I really enjoyed making free websites on Wix and Weebly about random things. It was really fun and I’m excited to get back into website designing! This website is made with Squarespace since I wanted a more professional approach.

  4. Host freebies & information for people

    Usually, when I have free downloads I have them in random Google Drive links. I just wanted a website where I can organize the freebies.


Getting Started with Digital Note-Taking